Appointment of personal injury solicitors in cases of having been involved in some kind of an accident out of no fault of their own has become very common in the United Kingdom. There are a variety of circumstances under which one can file a case of compensation; the most common causes, so far, are road accidents of various kinds and accidents at work. While most accidents at work involve minor slip, trip or fall injuries that can take on major proportions depending on the impact, a huge number of cases filed belong to the industrial injury claims category.

What Causes the Injuries?

There are various factors that contribute behind the infliction of workplace related diseases on employees. First of all, the employees who have to work in factories are constantly exposed to various kinds of harmful chemicals as well as other substances. On the other hand, there are also other kinds of harmful substances that many workers are exposed to on a continual basis, like too much sound and light, as well as harmful rays. Working with big industrial machinery also causes major problems with people who have to deal with such machines on a daily basis, since these can get quite dangerous. Various kinds of injuries and diseases can result from working long term in an industry or factory, the least of which can be skin diseases and a mutilated limb. In more severe cases, brain trauma, neural disorders, blindness and deafness and many other terrible consequences can arise from long term exposure to harmful elements. In any of these cases, the worker is perfectly entitled to file an injury claim.

How can They be Prevented?

If the employees are working in an industry or in a factory that requires them to deal with harmful and potentially dangerous substances on a daily basis, then it is the duty of the employer to ensure that the working conditions are made as safe as possible for the employees without hampering the work itself. In any case, according to the Citizens Advice Manual issued by the Citizens Advice Bureau, the first and foremost duty of the employer is to ensure that there is nothing in the workplace that can harm the well-being of the employees, both physically as well as mentally, and failing to do so calls for the filing of injury claims. In situations when the workplace conditions are unavoidable, it is highly necessary that every step be taken in order to make them as bearable as possible for the employees. This includes providing them with protective garments, impeccably functioning emergency exits, and a regular follow up on the machinery that are used in the workplace.  Most important of all, the employees must be given proper training at the very outset of their career with the organisation about the rules and regulations that must be followed in the workplace in order to ensure the safety of their own lives as well as the same of the others. It must be impressed upon the employees that the maintenance of safety in the workplace depends as much on tem as on the employer, and that filing an injury claim after an accident might refund the money, but the damages will possibly be too great to really recover from, ever.

6/7/2013 09:10:30 pm

Cluttered boxes and tools, wet and slippery floors can be the reason of an accident at work. Don’t be careless; always make our work environment safe for all.


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